With interest rates hitting zero I say Alan Greenspan Ben Bernanke must be losing sleep at night.
What--So--And it was done by Elliot Aronson who has retired now, but for many years taught at the university of California CaSanta Cruz.
Holy Peter holy Allen holy Solomon holy Lucien holy Kerouac holy Huncke holy Burroughs holy Cassady holy the unknown buggered and suffering beggar holy the hideous human angels!
Allen Greenspan, chairman of the federal reserve bank from 1987 to 2006.
I was just reading Alan Greenspan's new book, The Age of Turbulence.
So I don't know your name, your name is? - Allen.
And then lastly there's Allan Gurganus, that wonderful Modern Southern writer who wrote that book called The Oldest Confederate Widow Tells All, you know that bizarre it's a wonderful read.
That language at the end there is pure Allen Ginsberg.
Alan Greenspan, in his book, says that he thinks housing markets are all local and there is no--he says this firmly in his book there is no national housing market.
These are some minor characters who lived with them and went to Columbia with them, or were in their circle when these writers lived in the neighborhoods ] in New York around Columbia University.] So, Allen Ginsberg is Carlo Marx, and Ginsberg went to Columbia.
Now I would like to read to you from the footnote to Howl, Allen Ginsberg's famous poem, that for many people embodied at the time what it meant to be engaged in this new literary project.
Aronson calls this the "Gain Effect."
So Allen is saying if Player I is choosing this strategy and Player II is choosing her corresponding strategy here, neither player has an incentive to deviate.
t get it Should Green Spand have got it a lot earlier?
As saying in a television interview, this is Allen Greenspan while I was aware of a lot of these practices, these lending, were going on, I had no notion of how significant they had become until very late.
So, I was trying to save the moment as best as I could, and I looked at her and I said, ? "Judy, do you remember that old experiment " that Elliot Aronson did on attractiveness?"