Well, there is another element, though, to the kind of language that Richard is describing learning, and that is the racial element.
This was an act of compulsion, and the poet had to be forced to press this lyric out of himself.
Here's my favorite example of stupid facts I was forced to learn when I was younger--state capitals, right?
The feeling is that the establishment of a new native Egyptian dynasty might have led to the enslavement of any remaining Semites or Semitic outsiders, and that would include, of course, the Hebrews.
What quantity, if produced by Firm 2, would cause Firm 1 to shut down on this picture?
Similarly, he says, a wife or a parent cannot be coerced to accuse a loved one.
The story goes-- He hated working with child actors but he often had to.
Otherwise,it would be kind of coerced consent under the circumstances,you think.
All officials from the chancelleries that he had created and all of the officers were obliged to attend this torture scene as a way of warning them that, "You'd better not mess around."
Anything he writes is going to be forced, compelled - and with his forced fingers rude he violates the formal prosodic, the metrical, scheme of his elegy at its very opening.
If the cabin boy had agreed himself, and not under duress, as was added, then it would be all right to take his life to save the rest and even more people signed on to that idea.
What happens in Russia is what happens in Prussia, as well, and in other parts of Eastern Europe, particularly in the Hapsburg domains--you have, to make a very bad pun, a resurfacing of the region by people forced into serf contracts.
Their hair gets caught on the tangled thickets of the forest as they abandon -- as they are forced to abandon - the classical corners of Milton's literary imagination.
Lycidas' death -- remember this is the poem that Milton didn't want to write, he was "forc'd" to write it -Lycidas' death allows the uncouth swain to grow up and to move on.
Well, I just think that if he was making his own original idea and it was his idea to start with, then that would be the only situation in which I would see it being appropriate in any way because that way you couldn't make the argument that he was pressured, you know it's three-to-one or whatever the ratio was.