Now, I think that ultimately--interestingly enough, Los Angeles had a real estate boom and bust in the 1880s; that's hard to believe.
In the 1880s --a view arose that Los Angeles was just the most wonderful place on Earth.
And the elections in the early 1880s would certainly make this clear.
It was rather like parts of Africa before the 1880s.
All this, of course, was fuelled by I mentioned it already--a transportation revolution symbolized by the Erie Canal, finished in 1825, which remained profitable all the way out into the 1880s.
First there was the observation by Michelson who back in the late 1880s had done very precise interferal metric measurements of the hydrogen lines and had observed that the 656 nanometer line 3 associated with the transition of n equals 3 to n equals 2 was, in fact, a doublet.
We compared Los--we couldn't go back in a time machine and do questionnaire surveys in the 1880s, but we could do it in the 1980s.
It turned out to be kind of wrong because in the 1880s they started building so many houses in response to the demand that there was eventually a crash; but somehow people got this idea at some time.