Will not even philosophers, one might ask, given the possibility of absolute power ? be tempted to abuse their positions?
I'm not free to take my own life or to sell my self into slavery or to give to somebody else arbitrary absolute power over me.
And it is only the creation of the sovereign for Hobbes, endowed or possessed with absolute power, that is sufficient to put an end to the condition of perpetual uncertainty, anxiety and unrest that is the case of the natural condition.
It is an example of classic great power, absolute urban planning.
We should note that this notion, or this idea of a god who can even make and keep an eternal covenant is only possible on the view that God's word and will are absolute, insusceptible to nullification by some superior power or some divine antagonist.
He only insists that sovereign power remain absolute and undivided whether it belongs to a single person, a few, or the many.