According to the view that we're taking, which we'll now call the soul view, according to the soul view, it won't be me lecturing to you on Tuesday.
Turn now to the second basic view, the physicalist view, according to which a person is just a body.
Now, according to sort of a simple-minded view of operant conditioning in behaviorist psychology, the children you reward should do it more.
According to this view, man is not merely the measure of all things as the Greek Sophist Protagoras had radically proclaimed in the fifth century.
When I use the word "Soul," I'm going to have in mind this dualist view according to which the soul is something immaterial, nonphysical.
The key to personal identity, according to the soul view, is having the very same soul.
Because according to the soul view, to be me, it's got to have the same soul and we just stipulated, not the same soul.
So when I use the word "Soul," I will try to reserve it for the metaphysical view, according to which souls are something immaterial.
In contrast to that, we've got the physicalist view, according to which there are just bodies.
The key to personal identity according to the soul view is having the same soul.
To see that,recall the fact that according to the personality view, as a theory of personality identity, the crucial point isn't that my personality stay identical.
The dualist view, according to which a person is a body and a soul.
But that's not the key to personal identity, according to the soul view.
According to the personality view, what makes somebody in the future the same person as somebody in the past is if it's part of the same ongoing personality.
And there's the physicalist view, according to which there are no souls.
According to the soul view, he's not.
According to the physicalist view, a person is just a body that can do all of those things: can reflect, can be rational, can communicate, can make plans, can fall in love, can write poetry.
And we ask ourselves,according to the body view, which one is Shelly Kagan? What are the possibilities?