"All the academy members find it difficult to pick one sports person who is the best."
VOA: standard.2010.02.11
Then she has this revelation where she is actually seeing who is going into heaven and it's all the people.
These are extraordinary lines These are among my most favorite lines in all of Milton Samson is questioning the wisdom and the justice of God's admittedly who can deny it?
And for all the women who have come to play in the Olympic hockey tournament and for any athlete who is here it's about being an Olympian and coming to and Olympic Games, so we hope they had a great experience."
VOA: standard.2010.02.15
Is it all of us or should the beneficiary is our public policy, is those who have already had manages or privileges or multinational corperations or corperation procisely.
"Now that Operation Panther's Claw has shown that it can bring success and the first phase of that operation is over, it is time to commemorate all those soldiers who have given their lives and to thank all our British soldiers for the determination, the professionalism and the courage that they have been showing,"
VOA: standard.2009.07.27
If you see a man who is not effeminate, you might ignore it or say maybe he's not really gay after all.
One of the things we are taught is a verse of Koran, in English it's as "all you who believe, fasting has been prescribed for you as was prescribed for those before you."
And a democracy--the demos meant all the men of adult citizenship; that is, it excluded men who lived there who came from elsewhere.
We take Johns' brain, we put it in Smith's torsel we hook up all the wires as it were, ? the thing wakes up, who is that?
And we pointed out, however,that one individual has a--the music that has all of these parts on it--and that, of course,is the conductor who has the full conducting score-- the full score--in front of him or her.
And all I can say in response to that is,it's me,but who cares?
We take the right half of Johns' brain, put it into Smith's torsel, hook up all the wires the right way, ? the thing wakes up, who is it?
Accountability and responsibility and it is true all the way through Ms.Nona Sall and Cecelia Angell who are white teacher who meant the world to me.