I believe you. Why didn't you movewith your mother and Phil?
VOA: standard.other
After I give you amnesia,before I torture you, Linda I will drive you insane and make you believe that you're Linda.
And I noticed you had your, yes why do you believe ? he was guilty and got what he deserved?
I believe that these are the foundational moments of theorizing and that if you're going to teach anything like a survey, you've got to derive the rest of it from whatever the moment I happen to subscribe to might be."
And, believe it or not, I have students walk in and first thing a hand goes up and says do you have a pen? I cannot believe it.
The most important--The most successful people in finance, I believe, end up giving the money away and that means--you can't consume a billion dollars.
And the Pygmalion effect is if I believe you have a certain characteristic this might cause you to behave as if you have that characteristic.
But here's a set of views that many of you probably believe, and I imagine most of you believe at least some of these things.
All of these three things, in my judgment, are necessary to understand how the polis came into being, how it came to be what it was, and how it came to fulfill and believe in these ideas that I have just been telling you about.
But if you've looked at more recent or if you've looked at friends who relatively recently signed ID up for Facebook, their profile IDs which you sometimes see in the URL are actually pretty long and that's because I believe at some point they did transition longlong to 64-bit values which tend to be called long longs.
So I conclude, of course you can and do believe you're going to die.
Now I say this not so much to depress the hell out of you, but partly to warn you, and to make it clear that I believe that it's a skill.
I'd just like to do a piece of survey research, how many of you, just a show of hands is all I need; how many of you believe ? Socrates is innocent and should be acquitted?
I'm going to look sort of with some care at these passages - so all will become clear, but particularly in this: Sidney-- and I didn't exactly quote the passage in which Sidney does this - but I urged you to believe that he does-- Sidney actually ranks poetry somewhere between divinity and the other sciences.
It's worth saying a word about that, because I want to undermine any great confidence that you may have and what you can believe that scholars tell you, because we keep finding out how wrong we are about all kinds of things.
And if the best the soul theorist can say is, "I can't explain it and neither can you," that's not a reason to believe this side.
Now, since of course, I believe the views I believe... and I hope at the end of the semester you'll agree with me, because I think they're true and I hope you'll end up believing the truth.
And again, I'm not gonna go on and on about this point, it worth noticing that even if you do believe that soul exist, nothing stops you from accepting the body theory of personal identity.