The procedure plus two weeks of post-operative care and counseling to help address emotional issues and help women reintegrate into society can all be done for as little as $300.
VOA: standard.2009.12.23
There are non-profits, fine, but we--a lot of the stuff that has to be done for an economy is only going to get done through for-profit corporations.
For example, you all know that the only treatment for some diseases is to get an organ transplant: a kidney transplant, or a liver transplant is the only life extending intervention that can be done for some kinds of diseases.
It has easy appeal for the bully because it does not involve face-to-face contact and it can be done at any time.
VOA: special.2010.04.22
And I take that to be the paragraph where he talks about what fiction has done for him specifically.
For this reason,he says, air searches would need to be done in areas where the climate is dry or plants lacking altogether.
VOA: special.2009.11.17
That he who lets go of what is done for what should be done learns his ruin rather than his preservation."
There are tests that can be done to look for Down syndrome during pregnancy.
VOA: special.2009.09.09
Now some of this might be luck but I don't think it's all luck because he's done this consistently for so many years.
There will be no more peace in this land until slavery is done for.
VOA: special.2009.06.18
But it's also helpful to think just for health and well-being in general, what might be done to improve the diet and this will be a good way to try to get at that.
There are differences of opinion on the best medicine for the ailing world economy, although there is consensus that something must be done.
VOA: standard.2009.03.31
On the other hand,when he, even Oedipus himself, when he understands and he relents,and in a sense he apologizes for what he's done,but more importantly,he ceases,of course, to be powerful and to act in that way,wisdom comes to him.
But Mr.Erdogan tempered his rhetoric by calling for cool heads and said all Turkey's actions will be done within the context of international law.
VOA: standard.2010.06.01
So, moral feelings we could view as feelings of condemnation, shame, emotions like that-- shame, condemnation, pride, righteous anger, but also simple affection, caring for other people, wanting to do well by them, being upset if an injustice is to be done by them.
"They are likely to discuss what needs to be done to assure a shared recovery and to reform the international financial institutions, and to lay the foundations for future growth,".
VOA: standard.2009.08.10
Mathematically, it's done by taking the expression for R and differentiating everything in sight that can be differentiated as vector t.
从数学上看是这样的,写出 R 的表达式,并对所有可以进行矢量微分的部分,对时间 t 求微商
But for now,he said, there is work to be done. "Every American affected by this spill should know this: Your government will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to stop this crisis."
VOA: standard.2010.05.02
I know that Player 2's best response for every possible choice of Player 1, which if we had done it would be q2 hat is going to a -c over 2b--q1 over 2, right?
参与人1不同策略下参与人2的最佳对策,即q2帽等于/2b - q1/2
" Senator Lugar, who is on the Foreign Relations Committee in the Senate in the United States, has said in order for that to happen, the new agreement needs to be done by August.
VOA: standard.2009.04.08
These are very interesting results, but sort of the bias that everything should be done with white males that existed for many years hid some of these really interesting and important interactions that otherwise people didn't know much about.
"So it's very much an area where there is potential for this to be very helpful, but still there is still a lot of work to be done to figure how to best do that."
VOA: standard.2010.07.16
Now, it raises lots of interesting issues if a company does that and then boasts about it on the packaging or in marketing, because then people could overestimate how good those products are for them, so a lot of consumer education has to be done.