you've got to get rid of the ritual impurity, so there'll have to be some ritual procedure that purges the impurity.
So Marcion said the only thing that should be scripture for us is not all that Jewish scripture. Get rid of that.
They eliminate--the one privilege above all that the big guys want to get rid of is the right to not be taxed.
You couldn't get rid of faction by saying to men, it's not good to be factious, you should think of the whole community at all times.
So let's actually, you might want to be a little bit gentle in your own notebook, but on my board let's get rid of all these strategies that are never a best response.
What they argued in this paper was that, if we had perfect risk management, then there would be perfect correlation of consumption across countries because if we get rid of the idiosyncratic risks, then all that's left is planet-wide risks.
So they are certainly interconnected. However, just getting rid of the anxiety and the depression will not in and of itself make us happy, which is the conventional wisdom today, which is the conventional wisdom "Well,let's just get rid of that depression " and everything will be fine."