Water boils at different temperatures, depending on what the atmospheric pressure is; same thing for the freezing point.
For me, the choice boils down to the choice between the body theory of personal identity and personality theory of personal identity.
But it's some sort of skin disease, flaking skin disease or other sorts of boils and skin states that seem to be associated, at least in the Israelite mind, with decomposition and death.
But it all kind of boils down to these basics of storage.
Then he interpolated and found out water boils at 212.
Programming in this context boils down to telling the computer what to do.
And it boils down to modifying the format string with just a simple number.
It pretty much boils down to something simple as this.
Even if quantum mechanics was wrong and somehow, you know, at the macro level all the indeterminism boils out-- whatever-- and at the macro level we are deterministic systems, so what?
We'll make this available because, frankly, you could Google it and now it's pretty moot because Apple has plugged this particular hole but there's all sorts of other bugs still, but it all boils down to one of the topics today, which is going to be that of this thing called a pointer.