She carefully cut into each page of the book to create small canyons and formations.
VOA: special.2009.05.06
So now I want to turn to the beginning of the book on page 7.
Anyone? How many times can you tear a 4 billion page phone book in half?
This is page 238 of the Hughes, Book Two, line 249.
He is continually speaking, and in fact I would suggest on virtually every page of the book, he is continually speaking the language of virtue.
I thought it was very impressive that he put that on page one of the book because it puts the reader in a moral dilemma.
The stance that I'm trying to describe, which is a kind of ambivalent and complicated one, emerges powerfully in the poem "Easter, 1916," on page 105 in this book.
When I open the blue book, the Yale guideline, the Yale catalog, it's got a page, as you all know, where it says what letter grades mean at Yale.
There's a whole, a-75-page chapter on Hitchcock which is crucial in the book, we'll explain all that to you And in the first chapter on Hitchcock there's a considerable discussion of Psycho.
You might think of walking in here expecting Professor Hungerford on censorship and getting me instead. But this is a very important idea for Nabokov both as a way of treating predecessors and as a way of writing. And I want to show you that way of writing very early in the book on page 10 now. Let's take a look at that.
I need you tear not the page out; I need you to tear this phone book in half in front of 500 of your peers.
This is page 228 of the Hughes, Book One, line 678.
There are some thousand pages in this book, and I the human could certainly find Mike Smith every easily, very correctly by starting, if you'll simulate from the front of the phone book on page 1, looking for Mike Smith.
And when we go to the title page of A Boy's Will we see that this New England poet publishes his first book, in fact, in London in 1913, there on New Oxford Street.
Gives you a little sense of Hobbes' spirit, his humor, the wry wit that becomes apparent on almost every page of this book, but you have to be a careful reader.