Sometimes the flood seems to be the result of very heavy rain, but in other descriptions it seems to be a real cosmic upheaval.
So, this all seems a very technical phenomena related to animals and the like but it's easy to see how it generalizes and how it extends.
There's one very abstruse clue where somebody seems to know something about it, but fundamentally it's an illiterate society and that is a major difference between the world of Homer and the Mycenaean world.
But this seems to be a very far cry, ? does it not, from the kind of justice he talks about in the soul that consists in what we might think of as sort of rational autonomy or self-control where reason controls the passions and the appetites.
But finally, Reiner says, well, thank you for visiting us, it's all very wonderful, but you know our audience would really like to know; it seems like a simple question but it's awfully hard to understand, but how can a great, big, enormous, heavy thing like this airplane get off the ground?
但最后 雷纳说到,谢谢你的来访,太棒了,但你知道吗,我们的观众非常想知道,这问题貌似简单,但却很难让人明白,问题是,像这么一个巨大且沉重的飞机,是如何飞起来的呢