One reason for this is obvious; it's cheaper not to pay people, but the other reason is more interesting.
Well, you can buy a pass, which would seem conceptually not to be a ticket, but at top left was somewhat obvious this time bus and subway tickets.
Now, it's not obvious but it is true that you cannot add to this anymore.
It's not just that he seems obvious but is really subtle.
Maybe not so obvious, but it's posted on the website.
It's just like you could say some of the principles of mechanics are very obvious, but to make an engine that operates in terms of those principles is not obvious.
I'm not a professor of architecture, but it's obvious this is northern European architecture that you can see in northern France, cities like Arras and other places, or Charleville-Mezieres in the Ardennes.
That was the eventual message that I got, but it was sort of, it was not on the surface, it was not obvious, because the story, the two movies were sort of sad... ? Anybody want to say something about it?
Of course, Haze Motes is not an Oedipus figure, but there are obvious resemblances.
Also one of the most useful resources you'll find is the course's website; where not only will the obvious be posted like handouts and such, pests in the syllabus, but there will also be a variety of tools that you can turn to over the course of the semester including our own videos.
This is so obvious in this problem, but when you see more complicated formula, you may not know all the assumptions that went into the derivation and quite often you will be using it when you shouldn't.