So C or the compiler's for C are kind of dumb, by definition of the language years ago, whereby, they only know about what they've already seen.
It turns out that in a lot of languages, C included, you the programmer knowing a bit about how the computer works and the language works, can exercise more fine-grained control.
But to translate this now to a language C, you've got some curly braces, you got an if, some parentheses, but now we're just building on some of the syntax we introduced before.
So I'm gonna go ahead and save this file, hello c it's hello.c, dot C hints at the fact that this program I just whipped up is written in a language called C.
And generally in this language called "C" as well as a lot of others, almost all of your lines have to end with semicolons, but not all; just almost all and we'll see the difference.
It's just some bogus language we made up that's kind of English-like, kind of look C-like now that you've seen this syntax, but it was just an arbitrary language.
So here's where C differs from some language that you might be familiar with and from languages that you'll see later in the course, JavaScript like PHP and JavaScript.
You have to with C, as with a lot of programming language, say what you return.
Well, starting today in a language called C, this is going to look like this.
You do have mathematical operators in C and most every language.
So here is the simplest program which is perhaps an ironic statement that you can implement with this language called C. So it takes a few lines of code to actually get something up and running and as you'll recall last Friday, I didn't even get this up and running because part of the process of writing a program is to one, write it.
But one of the teaching fellas also passed long to us recently, a little real world example of what happens when you're not mindful of various data types and you're not mindful of the imprecision that's inherent in representing data in a computer, at least using a language like C and low level primitives like floats and even doubles.