The problem is, if your brokerage firm fails you could lose a lot; you could lose your cash account and your security account.
Then I'll take money out of your cash account and I'll put it into these securities.
But I was not worried because I still have more than half of the cash in my bank account.
So, it looks like the curry and some other items were really precisely defined in terms of price and this is of course has generated this receipt - by some computer, some cash-- cash register and they just didn't account for the inherent imprecision so here is a perhaps real world incarnation of that.
There are two things: you can have a cash account with them you put money into the cash account and you haven't bought shares with it yet; it's just sitting--it's like in a bank.
Dollar-weighted obviously takes into account when the cash flows come in and when they go out.
Because in your mind you're putting tickets and cash in different mental accounts, the mental account "Tickets" generates an emotional feeling and it changes my action-- that I lost in that account.