Let's listen to Luciano Pavarotti sing a leading tone, and as by coincidence, it happens to be the one-year anniversary of Pavarotti's death this week.
It wasn't a coincidence they bought somebody from Asia.
Quest, question, there is no coincidence that there is an etymological link between the two.
It's not just a coincidence that they're doing it at the same time.
Extrapolating from the fact that there are different things which people take into account, not everyone closest to 6 might actually vote for 6, it might be coincidence.
A funny coincidence is that since our names are close in the alphabet-- you often find our books right together in bookstores because Shiller and Siegel-- if they're shelving alphabetically-- would end up together.
Is it any coincidence ? that graduates from this university and a handful of others not unlike it ? find themselves in high positions of government, of business, of law, and the academy?
He won't listen;he bowls ahead, and he discovers in the process the terrible,terrible truth, which is that by accident,by coincidence, not by intent that as a young man he killed his father and subsequently married his mother.
First of all, it's not a coincidence that in both England and in the Dutch Republic you had, along with the city-states of Northern Italy, you had the largest percentage of middle-class population that you could find in Europe.
Suppose everyone happens to die on Monday, due to some cosmic coincidence.