The Obama administration has launched the first in a series of projects to support entrepreneurs in Muslim communities worldwide.
VOA: special.2010.05.10
Tell me I think you do a few case studies in this book or this grounded in different communities.
you've got the Outer Richmond and the Outer Sunset that have large Asian communities and also Russian communities.
These urge local officials to balance to risk of flu in their communities with the problems that school dismissals could cause.
VOA: special.2009.08.13
The thing to understand about Muslim community in comparison to other communities is that we don't have students that fit one specific background.
The idea was to make it easier for prisoners to rejoin their communities after they served their jail sentences.
VOA: special.2010.03.31
And obesity is a huge problem in the United States, especially in the African american community and other minority communities.
Leaders of minority groups including Hispanics and Muslims are urging their communities to complete the form so they are counted.
VOA: special.2010.03.20
And so letters would be copied,and books would be copied and sent around from different communities.
It can also rob communities of an important food supply and endanger future populations of some kinds of fish.
VOA: special.2009.02.10
We know that this isn't true because there are communities where they don't speak to their kids.
Some cities and communities will hold Earth Day activities and celebrations for an entire week, not just on April twenty-second.
VOA: special.2010.04.21
Bentham tells us happiness, or more precisely, utility maximizing utility as a principle not only for individuals but also for communities and for legislators.
Many American lawmakers, including President Obama, believe the green industry will become a way out of poverty for economically troubled communities.
VOA: special.2009.09.04
Joining one of these communities has meant a real change in your life.
The group teaches local communities how to manage their resources in ways that help them economically and protect the environment.
VOA: special.2009.11.18
And that says, that's a dramatic effect on communities.
They have also provided forests for use by local communities and native peoples and for the protection of biological diversity.
VOA: special.2010.04.06
It is filled with studio apartments and lofts where artists create work often in communities.
It is a way for people to establish their identities in often unfriendly areas as they struggle to hold their communities together.
VOA: special.2009.02.22
Okay, now the polis from the beginning, and it never stopped being what I'm about to say, chiefly agricultural communities.
Michelle Obama said the main goal of the garden is to educate children and influence communities to choose and prepare healthful food.
VOA: special.2009.03.31
He met the Attorney General, the Director of the Central Intelligence, the Director of the National Intelligence, eventually the Director of a Fusion Centre where all of the intelligence communities came together to talk about the threats.
He studies the ways Trekkers have formed communities of support to tell stories about how the series helped them overcome difficult situations.
VOA: special.2009.06.05
The question that has guided me whether it's in writing the book, whether it's in creating this class, " whether it's first and foremost my personal life is what I call "the question of the question", which is "how can we help ourselves and others, ?" individuals, communities and society become happier?"
Its purpose is to provide for the educational, health and social needs of the women and their communities.
VOA: special.2009.05.04
I heard that there are some secret communities in U.S. universities. How about Yale?
We try to speak to those communities and provide them with artistic experiences that they can relate to."
VOA: special.2009.04.27
In the earlier learning communities, we have technology facilitating, people learning from each other.
The large polyglot, multiethnic communities of today would not, on Aristotle's account, allow for sufficient mutual trust and friendship to count as a healthy political community.