PROFESSOR BAWENDI: The only But it's hard to imagine an irreversible compression the way we can just imagine an irreversible expansion.
Adiabatic meaning there's no heat involved, and we're going to see how that differs from the isothermal expansion and compression.
We transition to actually real world applications later on like a compression-- how do you take a huge amount of data ; and actually whittle it down into something more manageable; something that uses less of your disk space.
Instead, what's difficult in Crane is a kind of compression in his writing.
When the body is in stress, we have various unusual stimulations of the visual sections of the brain, and perhaps that explains the white light or the feeling of compression in the tunnel.
In the opposite case, if you have a compression, then it's the opposite of expansion.
You've just done an adiabatic compression of the ideal gas, you can pretend there is an ideal gas.
And now we're going to have another adiabatic step, an adiabatic compression.
So if you've got to pump that tire really a lot, then you're going to you're going to really feel a lot of heat there. The compression of the basically it's an adiabatic compression.
Our constraint is going to be an adiabatic expansion or compression.
A compression is a little bit more complicated.
Compression you're expected to heat up, right?
So expansion work, for instance, or compression work, is if you have a piston with a gas in it. All right, you put a pressure on this piston here, and you compress the gas down. This is compression work.
You have to do it awfully fast to get your irreversible compression.
Then we're going to have another isothermal step, a compression to some point four.
Step three to four isothermal compression, w2 delta u is going to be q2 plus w2.