so I'm heating up the system in this path here, and then to connect the 2 endpoints here, a constant temperature path.
To ask questions like how much heat is released in a chemical reaction that takes place at constant temperature.
Well that process of control to maintain a constant environment inside our body, whether it's an environment of constant mass or constant composition, or constant temperature, is called homeostasis.
And the equation of state, pressure versus volume at constant temperature, is going to have some form, let's just draw it in there like that.
Whereas under these conditions, these quantities, if you look at free energy change, for example at constant temperature and pressure, H you can still calculate H.
And in particular let's look at, for example, du/dV du/dV at constant temperature.
It's a state function, so we're at constant temperature and pressure, and now we want to consider some chemical change or a phase transition or you name it.
OK, so we have constant temperature, because it's isothermal.
So for an ideal gas then, dH/dp under 0 constant temperature, that has to be equal to zero.
Because so much of what we do in chemistry does take place with constant temperature and pressure.
There's our condition for equilibrium at constant temperature and pressure.
Path number 3 is a constant temperature path, and I already wrote the answer.
SdT This has minus T dS minus S dT, but the dT part is zero because we're at constant temperature.
If I'm working under conditions of constant temperature and volume, that's very useful.
u=0 Constant temperature isothermal delta u is zero.
dG/dp And this is dG/dp at constant temperature.
dS/dV There's some variation, dS/dV, at constant temperature.
v du/dV under constant temperature. du/dT v under constant volume. You use the Joule expansion to find these quantities.
In other words, the order of taking the derivatives with respect to pressure and temperature doesn't matter And what this will show is that dS/dp dS/dp at constant temperature, here we saw how entropy varies with volume, this is going to show us how it varies with pressure.
So this isn't the most useful form that we can have, but what we'll see shortly is that from this, we can then derive further criteria for essentially any set of variables or any set of external constraints, like constant temperature or pressure or volume and so forth that we might set.
So we already know that. So now we can write CpdT or differential dH as Cp dT plus dH/dp, pdp constant temperature, dp.
Let's say we start from some V1 and p1 here, so high pressure, small volume and we end up with a high volume low pressure, under constant temperature condition.
pV Also A plus pV and G is minimized at equilibrium with constant temperature and pressure.
OK, so now we have the other one, p dH/dp constant temperature.
The constraint isn't constant temperature because the temperature is going to be changing.
T Remember, we're trying to get delta H, p we're trying to get dH/dT constant pressure and dH/dp constant temperature. OK, these are the two things were trying to get here.
The dA/dV is calculated at constant temperature.
du/dV under constant temperature was equal to zero for an ideal gas. And by analogy, we expect the same thing to be true here, because enthalpy and energy have all this analogy going on here. So let's look at an ideal gas.
That is, most processes that we're concerned with, they'll happen with something held constant like pressure or temperature or maybe volume.
So now we have a constant volume reversible temperature change.