Of course, the human body is the supreme example of the spiritually infused corporeal substance.
Well, we are not really allowed to use corporeal punishments.
We can lovingly care for it and ornament it here in our very corporeal way on earth.
reasonable physical or corporeal punishment is necessary,
What do you think of corporeal punishments?
It's as if this celestial laser beam were designed so as to actually shift the atomic structure of the pure corporeal frame of the virgin's body until that body is so rarefied, so pure and ethereal, that it's nothing but soul.
I don't think that the critics who see here an image of castration are just imagining it, because there is such a weird and such a persistent interest in the human body, and especially in the poet's body, throughout this poem - Milton's focus on the body, on the entire realm of the corporeal.
They are un-individuated, if that makes any sense, in the act of sexual union. There is the unutterable sexual rush that can only come about through total corporeal enjambment.