We saw that the Bohr model was able to correlate the observations of Angstrom, which had been formulated by Balmer.
It's been shown that higher levels of education correlate with high voter turnout.
When you correlate people's preference when they see products with activation in this area, you'll see a nice correlation.
What Backus, Kehoe, and Kydland did was look at how much the consumption correlates-- the movement from year to year-- correlate across countries.
All right. Okay. So, if you ever doubted that the dream of an immediate language that is somehow the correlate to jazz and experience, that's your dream living on. Okay.
So, using the terminology of chemists, which is a good thing to do, because in this course we are all chemists, we want to make sure that we're not using just the physical description of the numbers, but that we can correlate it to 1 0 0 what we understand as orbitals, and instead of 1, 0, 0, 1s we call this the 1 s orbital.