I had the pleasure, I think, of first corresponding with you in the context of writing a sermon for the chapel.
So when we talk about orbitals in multi-electron atoms, they're actually lower in energy than the corresponding h atom orbitals.
I think that deposit insurance is very important but we didn't have anything for corresponding accounts at brokerage services until 1970.
There's a volume, there's a temperature, than the pressure here. There's other volume, temperature and pressure here, corresponding to this system here.
Nonetheless, I think it's safe to say you see a gradual decline in the cultural idealization of virginity and a corresponding increase in the valuation of marriage in this new form of chastity that we can think of as married chastity.
In fact, if you draw a diagram of a person, what their body is corresponding to the amount of somatosensory cortex, you get something like that.
What we will have come to us, is a corresponding response from every neuron, for example in the upper left, you would see a green little hole.
For every good period here there's a corresponding good period here.
5 So similarly would there be the number 65 next to this then the corresponding number for V-I-D and then there's generally a special character at the end that looks like a zero that says end of string here.
By the same token--I still speak Latin--the sound image corresponding to it is "arbor."
Then, you make an arrow corresponding to B and lay it on the end of this one.
再画一个表示 B 的箭头,把 B 放在 A 的终点
And built up the list corresponding to the three items that the user entered.
So Allen is saying if Player I is choosing this strategy and Player II is choosing her corresponding strategy here, neither player has an incentive to deviate.
The corresponding half of the ladder that corresponds to any given ladder, let's say the black DNA molecule that corresponds to the blue one is not just a mirror image.
So any time in a molecular orbital diagram you draw in orbitals, you need to draw the corresponding molecular orbitals.
One of the main difference is is that when you're talking about multi-electron orbitals, they're actually smaller than the corresponding orbital for the hydrogen atom.
So the correct answer for titanium plus two Ar3d2 is going to be argon 3 d 2, whereas if we did not rearrange our order here 4s2 we might have been tempted to write as 4 s 2 so keep that in mind when you're doing the positive ions of corresponding atoms.
What you get at the end of the day is a colored piece, corresponding to the responses model of neurons that uniquely tells us that the patients want us to reach over to the left and up.
And for the s electron, since it can get closer, what we're going to see is that s electrons are actually less shielded than the corresponding p electrons.
And let's look at the final kinetic energy that we'd observe in this spectrum, which is 384 electron volts, so what is that third corresponding ionization energy?
And something that we'll see later on is that triple bonds, for example, are going to be stronger than a corresponding double bond or a corresponding single bond.
Let's switch to a clicker question and just confirm that that is, in fact, true. So what's the corresponding orbital if we talk about this state, 5, 1, 0?
And what we would see if we were graphing, for example, increasing kinetic energy, is we would see 1 line corresponding to each of these energies of electrons that we see coming out.
For every bad period here there's a corresponding bad period here.
Well, you can see the pink line shows the employment in Los Angeles, and indeed, it did move around corresponding to the booms and busts in the Los Angeles market but not so dramatically.
So, no matter whether or not you write out the full form here, or the noble gas configuration where you write ne first or whatever the 3s1 corresponding noble gas is to the core electrons, we always write out the valence electrons here.
Last attempt,I'm going to, after I drive you crazy and make you think you're Linda, I'm going to do the corresponding thing for Linda.
You can draw the arrow corresponding to A.
你可以先画一个表示 A 的箭头