Milton ultimately is a pious man and wants us to frown on Satan's critique of the Judeo-Christian conception of divinity.
But this very critique leveled against Levi-Strauss, he could have found in Levi-Strauss and does find it on other occasions.
You can also hear Satan's critique of the tyranny of heaven in this account of the rhyme as well. Like kingship, rhyme is a custom.
But it also contains other positions, alternatives that open those over-sized cultural ambitions to critique, to imaginative alternatives of many kinds.
And it's Hawthorne's satire, It's apocalyptic, angry critique of all these Americans who think they're inventing everything anew every day.
This novel--as you will soon see, Onnie Jay Holy once you get to the parts where Onnie Jay Holy begins to preach-- this novel is very much a critique of sentimentality.
Again a critique not only of Sparta but also of Athens and its imperialistic ambitions.
There is no basis for individual rights, or for a critique of existing ideas and institutions, if there is no base either in religion or in reason.
Some studies have, motivated by Chomsky's work in expressed sorry, motivated by Chomsky's critique of Skinner's Verbal Behavior, have asked even in -- "What if we just looked at children within the United States?
They're offering a critique of the social order, and they even have the audacity to talk about good and evil.
Milton brings to his critique of rhyme that same -- and this is familiar - the same political rhetoric that he had brought to his critique of monarchy in the regicide treatises.
It's a critique of the idea of anything that has a center, one which is at the same time an enabling causal principle.
So it is not anything like, even as one reads it in retrospect, a wholesale repudiation or even really a very devastating critique of Levi-Strauss.
Levi-Strauss' famous book, The Raw and the Cooked, essentially stages this critique in and of itself.
He is a figure of critique. He's a figure of satire.
In fact, next semester I'm teaching an entire course devoted to Hobbes' critique of religion in which this will, among other things, figure prominently.
Plato's critique of Homeric poetry in the Republic is two-fold; it is both theological and political.
So Aristotle was not without his own critique of the American constitution and American political culture.
The theological critique is that Homer simply depicts the gods as false, as fickle, and inconstant.
Thursday we'll take up the North and the critique of this ideology.
Astell distinguishes Milton's cry against political tyranny from her own critique, her own cry against the patriarchal tyranny, and in making this distinction she's exposing something that I take to be extremely interesting.
In many ways Aristotle there offers, as does Plato, a certain kind of critique of the modern or even the ancient democratic theory of freedom, which is living as one likes.
He refused to extend his critique of tyranny in the political realm to a critique of man's domestic tyranny over woman in the private realm, in the domestic sphere.
Milton's power from this perspective of the radical cultural critique is really not so different from the power of the late Jerry Falwell or someone like Rush Limbaugh.
Now "Structure, Sign and Play" is a critique of "structurality."
This is an essential part of the critique of structuralism.
It's not just a critique of structuralism.
I would say that the crux, the kernel of the critique, a lot of things you can argue about-- The kernel of the critique lies in this assertion which derives its force from an interpretation of pictures on pottery.