And cryptography involves scrambling information, converting what you a human can read into sort of nonsense that hopefully a bad guy cannot read.
And they created this like, really big form of cryptography that everybody uses.
Fast forward mid-semester when we talk about cryptography and scrambling information, we need the ability to express ourselves in words, not just numbers, and we have that already.
Yeah. I don't really know a whole lot of modern cryptography yet
But I know today in my math class, we were learning about the guys who created RSA Public Key Cryptography.
In Week 2 we'll look at things like cryptography and functions and the tools that by which you begin to assemble solutions to problems; in Week 3 we'll introduce what are generally ; known as algorithms and data structures; mechanisms by which you can solve problems more efficiently, effectively.
The number that you choose to rotate your letters by is what we call in cryptography, a key.
Well, we'll talk before long about cryptography.
There's cryptography going on.
Can you tell us what exactly cryptography is?
But in society today, and we'll talk a bit about security topics -- and such throughout the course, for cryptography -- for encrypting things like your credit card information and bank accounts -- you don't use 32 bits, you don't use 64 bits, you generally use 1024 bits, 4,048 bits.