Well, if we actually want to represent something like the number 7, well in binary, not actually in decimal like this.
You can either have a big number and a small decimal point or small number and a big decimal point.
What's the biggest number you can represent with three decimal digits? Pardon?
That is to say, guess the answer ahead of time, strip all the decimal places off.
So, you can understand they really felt quite confident at this time that we could explain everything that was going on and in fact, a really telling quote from the time was said by a professor at the University of Chicago, and what he said is, "Our future discoveries must be looked for in the sixth decimal place."
It just throws the decimal point away and that's because, again, these are ints and the answer intuitively should be a floating point value, but I need to be more specific.
There's no decimal point; there's no point zero; there's no floating point value, it's just a hardcoded integer.
And there's probably more digits after the decimal place, but because of my formatting string, I only see a couple of them.
You don't need this hack of just, like, manually adding a decimal point just to fix that problem.
And just like in the decimal system, 0 as many zeros on the left that you want.
So a floating point value again is a number with a decimal point, so it depends.
Well, suppose we had decimal numbers.
But all of you in this room probably remember what we technically call the base 10 system or decimal system because back in grade school or the like, you learned to count and add and subtract numbers by way of columns.
But at the end of the day, and here's why we just went with binary and not decimal years ago, when you have one implement a computer with a physical device, it's actually really easy to represent the notion of on or off.
Something with a decimal point and numbers thereafter.
Glancing at the bottom, this is pretty arbitrary, but I chose to format my string as follows: % 1f so at the bottom here I'm printing out %.1f, which quick sanity check means print just one digit after the decimal place.
Seventy-nine. In fact, if you add up each of these numbers, 9 you should get the decimal number 79 79 from this binary number here.
Everything from the decimal point over gets chopped off.
If I go back to that code from a moment ago, and I just rerun math3, notice how many places printed after the decimal point -- two?
So it turns out there's a solution to this: If you need more precision, more digits after the decimal point than a float allows, what do you go for instead?
And I said I'm giving you three decimal digits.
So unlike an int, this is the type of number that can have numbers after a decimal place.
If we need a 7, this is the ones column, the twos, fours, eights, so here are our columns and this was our decimal system a moment ago, and I wanna express the number 7 and the only digits 0 I now have access to are zero and one, whereas, in decimal, dec meaning 10.