Seventy-nine. In fact, if you add up each of these numbers, 9 you should get the decimal number 79 79 from this binary number here.
Well, if we actually want to represent something like the number 7, well in binary, not actually in decimal like this.
What's the biggest number you can represent with three decimal digits? Pardon?
You can either have a big number and a small decimal point or small number and a big decimal point.
So a floating point value again is a number with a decimal point, so it depends.
So unlike an int, this is the type of number that can have numbers after a decimal place.
If we need a 7, this is the ones column, the twos, fours, eights, so here are our columns and this was our decimal system a moment ago, and I wanna express the number 7 and the only digits 0 I now have access to are zero and one, whereas, in decimal, dec meaning 10.