What are we to make of the incredible similarity of Israel's deity and cult to those of her neighbors?
And so in this perspective we have an image of the awesome power of the Deity Himself thundering away behind every jot and tittle of Milton's great epic.
We are talking, first of all, remember, about a multi-deity society.
In particular, the daily burnt offerings sacrificed by the priests twice each day, and emitting this pleasing odor: these were an effort to attract the deity.
It would be quickly ground into flour and used before it even has time to ferment, to quickly offer something to the deity again, to procure favor for the rest of the crop.
They've been clearly been hurled into hell by a Judeo-Christian deity. So this little moment, this Medusa moment, we can call it, is really quite strange.
In these sources the Israelites' deity is clearly the source of all being.
In portraying the deity, I would think, if I were to write an epic poem - I would feel that I would be expected to stay within the fairly narrow parameters of religious decorum.
The Israelites certainly hoped to secure the perpetual aid and blessing and protection of a well-disposed deity.
Interestingly, unlike most ancient sanctuaries, the Israelite sanctuary did not contain a statue of the deity.
It rejects the pagan idea of a realm beyond the deity, the source of mythology and magic. The affirmation that the will of God is supreme and absolutely free is a new and non-pagan category of thought".
We don't have the image of this as a throne with the ark as God's footstool. So it seems to be a greater abstraction of the deity.
Now, texts from Ancient Near Eastern cultures suggest that a central function of the rituals that were performed in sanctuaries was to secure the perpetual aid and blessing of a well-disposed deity.
Sanctuaries in the ancient world were understood to be the dwelling place of the deity.
One would be characteristic of semi-nomadic pastoralists: the sacrifice of the first lamb born in the spring to the deity in order to procure favor and continued blessing on the flocks for the spring.
Those two terms are different names of the deity that's giving the instruction.
Sacrifices were offered to the deity in his or her sanctuary.
He offers sacrifice to the deity and receives a blessing.
Yahweh Elohim So in Genesis 2 the deity is Yahweh Elohim.
Christianity's main roots were in Judaism, a religion that worshipped a single, all powerful deity, who is sharply separated from human beings, makes great moral demands upon them, and judges them all, even kings and emperors.
Now it goes without saying that Milton has not been up to this point writing an allegorical poem. The creatures moving and speaking have been actual creations of the deity, with the strange exception of Medusa.
I think it's safe to say that we're intended to be shocked, ; maybe even repulsed, by this remarkable description of the deity; and so I'm hoping you feel something of a shock of these lines, "and mad'st it pregnant." Milton is taking a huge aesthetic risk here.
Such where the deep transported mind may soar Above the wheeling poles, and at Heav'n's door Look in, and see each blissful Deity Now the graver subject that Milton is intending at some point to expound upon is clearly an epic one.
But Genesis 2 refers to the deity as a name that's really a combination, Lord God it's Yahweh Elohim, so you'll see '"Lord God" right?