• So although holiness derives from god, humans have a crucial role to play in sanctification, in sanctifying the world.


    耶鲁公开课 - 旧约导论课程节选

  • We still have to recognize that what we think derives from this or that understanding of theory and these or those theoretical principles.


    耶鲁公开课 - 文学理论导论课程节选

  • It's to admit that this is in fact a late epic and that it derives from a close, studious, student-like imitation of the great epics of Homer and Virgil.


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  • Part of the poem's force derives from the status of this moment as something remembered, and remembered within the context of a nation at war.


    耶鲁公开课 - 现代诗歌课程节选

  • Observe that the word "Political" derives from the Greek word Polis.


    耶鲁公开课 - 古希腊历史简介课程节选

  • Sachsen LB and IKB was a bailout of twenty-six billion Euros and that's a huge scandal in Europe, which is still unfolding, and it derives from the U.S. Subprime crisis.


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  • Now there's a second formula one derives from this.


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  • They've tended to view the elaborate and carefully constructed texts of P as part of a system whose meaning derives from the larger cultural matrix or grid in which those materials are embedded.


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  • This actually I think derives from a Greek word, "Synkope, " S-y-n-k-o-p-e, synkope.


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  • Hobbes derives the very power of the sovereign from the natural right of each individual to do as they like in the state of nature.


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  • As Heidegger points out in this passage, that's a thought experiment which, if it can be done at all, derives from that prior knowledge.


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  • I think the sort of skepticism I mean arises from what one might call and what often is called modernity not to be confused with Modernism, an early twentieth-century phenomenon, but the history of modern thought as it usually derives from the generation of Descartes, Shakespeare, and Cervantes.


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  • Arete derives from the Greek word anar, which means man; man as opposed to woman.


    耶鲁公开课 - 古希腊历史简介课程节选

  • By the way, in Greek the word citizen is politas, derives from polis.


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  • Everything derives now in this historical moment from human consciousness, and all concepts of whatever kind can be understood in that light.


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  • So what we think we know derives chiefly from archeological evidence, which is before writing--mute evidence that has to be interpreted and is very complicated, and is far from secure.


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  • I would say that the crux, the kernel of the critique, a lot of things you can argue about-- The kernel of the critique lies in this assertion which derives its force from an interpretation of pictures on pottery.


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