We need sustainable energy security that includes diversification of supplies and transit routes,".
VOA: standard.2009.10.23
What I think the mutual fund industry has turned into, largely, is a stock picking industry, not a portfolio diversification industry.
figuring out there is no such thing as a free lunch but Markowitz tells us that diversification is a free lunch.
So how are we to account for the diversification of languages, the spread of different ethnic linguistic groups throughout the lands of the earth if we all come from one common creative moment, one common ancestor?
In terms of diversification, there are half a dozen asset classes with weights that range between 4% and 28%.
The take-aways are that an equity bias is an absolutely sensible underpinning for investors with long time horizons but that diversification is important.
Before I begin, I want to just give some more thoughts about the diversification through securities and that will lead us into insurance.
It's actually kind of a crusade of mine-- I believe that the world needs more portfolio diversification.
The other thing that I think would come out of the discussions is that diversification is important.
Most mutual funds are providing some diversification service and they're also trying to beat the market.
Diversification and pooling are really the same thing but we had a separate set of institutions.
Today's lecture is about portfolio diversification and about supporting financial institutions, notably mutual funds.
There's something else going on besides diversification; diversification means you get the average return.
I want to say one more thing about the diversification and the mutual fund.
Two tenets, an equity bias for portfolios with a long time horizon and diversification.
As a matter of fact, Harry Markowitz called diversification a "Free lunch."
It almost makes you wonder whether this diversification thing makes any sense.
Then I will move to portfolio diversification and supporting financial institutions.
When you add another asset, you do better when you have three assets, you do better than if you just had two because there's more diversification possible with three assets than with two.
That's the basic principle of portfolio diversification.
Finally, I just want to say, next lecture is January twenty-eighth and we're going to talk about portfolio diversification, which is one very important application of the fundamental principle of risk management, as applied to securities.
Over the past twenty years, we've generated 15.6% per annum return, but that headline number obviously has a lot to do with the equity orientationof the portfolio but doesn't describe the importance of the diversification.
Anybody whose read a basic finance text, as a matter of fact, I think anybody who thinks about investments in a common sense fashion knows that diversification is an important fundamental tenet of portfolio management.
He really emphasized diversification.
The equity orientation drove the returns but the diversification allowed us to deliver those returns in a stable fashion, which is incredibly important for an institution like Yale that requires a steady supply of funds to finance its operations.
The reason it's low is that we do have,what I think is, superior diversification and that really lowers the University's risk.