But in fact, it varies a lot from culture to culture, and we'll talk about that during the class.
And you'll have a chance either to just stare at me or anyone else, or think about what we've just discussed, or have a guiding question that I will provide you that you'll address during the class.
The test is Wednesday the 29th, and it will be written during the normal class time.
I could have brought it to class and showed it to you, but this was issued during the Revolutionary War to help finance the war.
So you should drop the homework before you come into class, rather than furiously work on it during class, and the solutions will be posted the same afternoon.
And he--one day this boy showed up in the class-- this was during Vichy, about 1943, maybe it's '44, and he's new and he's not different, he's just not from there.
I'm going to see if I have enough money to do this in class When we played this game in the old days, during the dot com boom with the MBA students, you had to put fifty dollars on the table to get them interested.
But you will write during the normal class period.