And this spin is an intrinsic quality of the electron, it's a property that is intrinsic in all particles, just like we would say mass is intrinsic or charge is intrinsic.
So what that means is that we're limited in any atom to having two electrons per orbital, right, because for any orbital we can either have a spin up electron, a spin down electron, or both.
And that the fact that it split into two was telling them that there must be some new property to the electron, and what we call that now is either being spin up or spin down.
One way to think about it, if we want to use a classical analogy, which often helps to give us an idea of what's going on, is the spin of an electron, we can picture it rotating on its own axis.
1/2 And we have the spin quantum number 2 as plus 1/2 for electron one, -1/2 and minus 1/2 for the electron two.
But the reason that I like that analogy is that it points out a very important part of spin, and that's the idea that it's a description of the electron.
So we can completely describe an orbital with just using three quantum numbers, but we have this fourth quantum number that describes something about the electron that's required for now a complete description of the electron, and that's the idea of spin.