Why not then say,similarly,even though my body's still alive, nothing wrong about removing the heart if the person is dead.
If you did that, on some level, I think, you were absolutely right, even though you were utterly misconstruing the logic of the argument.
And if we're not careful we'll disregard this distinction, even though I think it's an important one.
This is also important though for Roman politics, because if you're if a freedman, - or even if you're a free person-- sometimes see freemen would connect themselves to a powerful Roman who was higher status than them, because they could use him for important things.
So what Christine is arguing is, even though it's the case that 2 is not a dominated strategy, if we do the process of iterative deletion of dominated strategies and we delete the dominated strategies, then maybe we should look again and see if it's dominated now.
Second question, though, is: Does the soul, even if it exists, survive the destruction of the body?
Even though we have a noun, the smile, that if you're not careful might lull you into thinking there must be a thing, the smile.
Bare survival of my soul,even though that is the key to personal identity-- if it is--bare survival of my soul doesn't give me what I want.
So, this is an absolutely outstanding discovery, even though, if we think about it, what is the probability that this happened, how often did this happen?
Even though,if you've done the reading of the Edwards paper that I assigned, you have a series of quotes from Edwards in which people say things like, they die alone.