Literal punishment: for example, in the Code of Hammurabi, where someone's ox kills a child, then the ox owner's child is killed.
We want to write a piece of code that helps these guys out, so I'm going to show you an example.
In fact, this example would compile because you can use curly braces in this way to encapsulate lines of code, but realize for now, that, not good.
OK. So. Why did I do it? It's a simple example, I agree, but notice what I just did. It allowed me to highlight, is the code doing the right thing?
Right, and just to get a sense of this, let's look at a simple little example, so on your hand-out, you'll see I've got a little piece of code that says assuming I've got one of these points, I want to do things with it, for example I might want to add them together.
So let's look at the second example, all right, I keep doing that -- this piece of code from here to here gives me a way of now creating a hash table of size 256.
But here, if I decide I'm going to store things not in x and y, but with some other set of names, for example, I've gotta go back into these pieces of code that use the points, and change them. So I've lost modularity.