So in this case, my expected payoff is a ? of 1 plus a ? of 4, for a total of again 2.5.
So what's my expected payoff from choosing Up where I believe the other person's going to choose Left and Right, equally likely? It's what?
So this line represents the expected payoff of shooting to the middle as a function of the probability that the goal keeper dives to the right.
It's the expected payoff to Player 1 if shooting to the left as it depends on the probability that the goal keeper dives to the right.
Let's start by plotting my expected payoff from choosing the strategy Up.
What about my expected payoff from choosing Middle against , so in this case where I think it's equally likely that my opponents going to choose Left or Right?
And here's my green line representing my expected payoff as the shooter, from shooting to the right, as a function of the probability that the goalie dives to the right.
How about my expected payoff from choosing Down versus ?
So what we're going to look at is the expected payoff of Up versus, let me call it a : a being equally likely that my opponent chooses Left and Right.
What do I mean by expected payoff?
So very similar idea, but the only thing is, I'm slightly abusing notation here by saying that my payoff depends on my strategy and a belief, but what I really mean is my expected payoff.
And we already know if I look at the probability of a ?, which is here, that the payoff I get from choosing, the expected payoff I get from choosing up against a is 2.5.
It maximizes my expected payoff.
What I suggest we do is we do what we did last time and we start to draw a picture to figure out what my expected payoff is, depending on what I believe the goalie is going to do.
So here's the straight line, and this line is the expected payoff to Player I from choosing Down as it depends on the probability that the other person chooses Right, and then once again, we can write down the equation.
This is the payoff to Player I of choosing Middle against Right, and the line in between, this line here, is the expected payoff to Player I of choosing Middle as a function of the probability that other people choose Right.