In two thousand six, the two women entered their creations in a competition at New York's leading toy store, FAO Schwarz.
VOA: special.2011.04.22
FAO Schwarz is a big deal toy store here and I'm not sure if it's on Fifth Avenue, maybe...
AO Schwarz 玩具店是这边一个很大的玩具零售店,我不确定它是不是在第五大道,也许是吧……
And I remember I didn't know what FAO Schwarz was because I was too young,
我记得我都不知道FAO Schwarz是什么,因为我当时很小。
yeah. It's a FAO Schwarz and it is kind of a magical place.
是的。这就是FAO Schwarz 玩具店,一个有点神奇的地方。
And she actually sent me a teddy bear from FAO Schwarz in New York.
姨妈在纽约的FAO Schwarz买了泰迪熊,然后送给我了。
And so when I was little, all I wanted to do is go to FAO Schwarz. And I really, really wanted to go, and I dreamed about it.
所以在我小的时候,我很想去FAO Schwarz。而且我非常想去,那曾是我的梦想。