• "APEC has most of the fast growing economies in this part of the world,".

    VOA: standard.2009.11.08

  • I think it makes managing a growing company and a fast-paced movement very, very easy because there is basically one thing that you have to do.


    斯坦福公开课 - Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选

  • Therefore, it's a fast-growing market.


    斯坦福公开课 - 百度CEO李彦宏演讲:全球最大搜索引擎的发展课程节选

  • Also,business plans often assume it will be easy to gain a share of a large or fast-growing market.

    VOA: special.2009.06.26

  • If I were starting a new company, I would look for some large, fast-growing industry that was inefficient, and was not keeping pace with the changes that are possible.


    斯坦福公开课 - 戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选

  • But fast-growing demand and prices have made them part of the debate over health reform.

    VOA: special.2009.09.11

  • And even they agree income has gone up that remains untaxed, more important becasuse agriculture incomes are not that high and the moral case for taxing people who are not growing as fast as...is not that strong.


    普林斯顿公开课 - 国际座谈会课程节选

  • It includes fast-growing economies in the developing world like China,India and Brazil.

    VOA: special.2009.09.26

  • China's influence in the world has increased with its fast-growing economy.

    VOA: special.2010.01.15

  • Those connections helped spawn another collection at the library that is growing almost as fast as the Obama collection.

    VOA: standard.2010.07.10

  • (SAYING) On the streets of Sana'a, anger over price hikes is growing almost as fast as the prices.

    VOA: standard.2010.04.20

  • Fast-growing Winston soon surrounded the much older town of Salem, so in 1913,people in the area voted to combine them into a single place.

    VOA: standard.2010.03.18

  • But climate change negotiators worry that without quick action, the carbon footprint of countries like India and China will rise dramatically as their fast-growing economies propel millions into the middle class.

    VOA: standard.2009.11.27

  • The hum of the spinning blades is the sound of China going green as it seeks to address the growing energy demands of its rapidly modernizing consumer society and fast-paced industrialization.

    VOA: standard.2010.08.03

  • another ecology-friendly flooring that use fast-growing bamboo.

    VOA: standard.2010.02.24

  • But more importantly were the economic and political consequences for Saakashvili, so that he could no longer claim to be taking Georgia forward fast and promise that people's lives would improve due to the growing economy because now the economy has slumped,".

    VOA: standard.2009.09.01

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