The first derivative is more important than just the position of their regard for us, getting better and better.
So the slope of the guess is the first derivative.
The first derivative of their regard for us is positive. Okay?
So I differentiated this object, this is my first derivative and I set it equal to 0 Now in a second I'm going to work with that, but I want to make sure i'm going to find a maximum and not a minimum, so how do I make sure I'm finding a maximum and not a minimum?
Well, unfortunately, we know this is not the right answer, because if you take the first derivative, I get 2t.
Now, I hope you guys know that much calculus, that when you take a derivative of a function of a function, namely v square over 2 is a function of v, and v itself is a function of t, then the rule for taking the derivative is first take the v derivative of this object, then take the d by dt of t, which is this one.