This should make sense, because if an atom has a very high electron affinity, that means it's really happy taking an electron from another atom, or taking a free electron -- that that's very favorable.
But we see if we have a free electron, as we do in this dotted line here, that's going to be a higher energy that's less stable.
It is a free electron so there is no potential energy to be accounted for.
So, if we want to go from that stable state to that less stable state, we need to put in a certain amount of energy to our system, that difference between the free electron and the electron bound to the metal.
This represents the free electron.
So, if, for example, we were looking at a hydrogen atom in the case where we have the n equals 1 state, so the electron is in that ground state, the ionization energy, it makes sense, is going to be the difference between the ground state and the energy it takes to be a free electron.
And so the energy is zero because the electron is no longer bound. It is free.