When I call this class definition, it calls init, init and I give it an x and a y value.
They give you a sense of whether they enjoy the class,
There's a Midterm. That will be a short answer test that's intended to give you a chance to show how diligently you've been reading and coming to class.
And I'm going to give it a name, and right now I'm just building but first of all, what does a class do?
So I'm not gonna give it a lot of time today because I'm gonna go to class now and study and then have lunch.
And at the end of class we'll announce which recitation that is, we'll also make sure to give you a little bit of a prize if you are, in fact, in that recitation.
So, I make a pledge. You give me seven hours a week, you will pass this class, not just by the skin of your teeth. You will pass it.
I give it such a hard time each time I teach this class, that I'm often tempted to just drop it from the discussion altogether.
and I asked you to give yourself a percentage rating relative to the rest of the class, then if everybody was accurate, or at least not systematically biased, the number should add up to 50%.
Let me give a little bit background on positive psychology: how we came about and how this class came about.
I'm going to give the last class a problem which is pretty interesting, which is what happens to you when you have an elevator.
We're going to really get into this next class, but I just want to introduce it to you to give us a start, and many of you have used Lewis structures in high school, but we'll be doing some much more challenging Lewis structures, I can assure you, in this class here.
I wish there were some easy litmus test that I could just give you so you'd know which of you would be making a mistake taking this class.
It's basically--if I am told that you're a genius and your genius is about to be in full-flower throughout this class and it's a small class as these classes were, I'll focus more on you, I'll give you more of my attention.