They believe students are owed a good grade simply because they put a lot of effort into a class.
VOA: special.2009.03.12
C So, that's the breakdown. And, the grade is C level, 50% and it's based upon a performance of 50% absolute.
Well, it's a long time ago but it was elementary school, you know, maybe 3rd grade, 4th grade,
In schools, the punishment for cheating could be a failing grade on the paper or in the course.
VOA: special.2009.04.16
In fact, you could be sitting three years from now waiting before commencement and you can get that grade adjusted.
Getting a grade like a B-plus or a C-minus adds or subtracts a few tenths of a point.
VOA: special.2009.03.05
Because you will come to regret it if you don't do it. But we're not going to grade it.
Second grade teacher Alison Kerr says the main goal is to engage children in the learning process.
VOA: special.2011.03.10
So if you had some number back in grade school like 123, well, why do we express this as 123?
"Attend a sleepover,have a play date, watch TV or play computer games, be in a school play, get any grade less than an A."
VOA: special.2011.02.17
But they will grade under my supervision, and in keeping with the standards that I ask them to grade with.
A visitor still remembers the memory aid she learned long ago from her fifth-grade teacher.
VOA: special.2009.12.07
We'll grade them leniently in the beginning and so everybody will get some feedback about how they're doing on those.
The standards deal with language and mathematics in every grade from kindergarten through high school.
VOA: special.2010.03.25
There's a term paper which i'll talk more about as the weeks go on that's also worth 30% of the grade.
In mathematics, students should be working with shapes in kindergarten and angles in fourth grade.
VOA: special.2010.03.25
My name is Maria D'Itria, and I teach 5th grade class at the Harvard Kent School in Boston.
For example,in first grade, students should be asking and answering questions about something they read.
VOA: special.2010.03.25
These names sound safe -High Grade, Enhanced -but they both collapsed and became leveraged fund.
His ninth-grade English class for boys centers on books that he believes boys find interesting.
VOA: special.2010.12.02
So it's really a training ground for the final paper, and we have found that people don't succeed in the course in the final paper without the training they get in section discussion, which is why section participation is worth ten percent of your grade.
"My favorite teacher is probably Miss Collin who is my main fifth grade teacher."
VOA: special.2010.04.30
In particular, what grade you would get and what grade your pair would get.
They establish goals for each year from kindergarten through grade twelve.
VOA: special.2010.07.22
This'll determine your grade for the rest of the semester.
Forty-seven comments followed a story about college student grade expectations.
VOA: special.2009.12.31
They want to make the tests for the... they get into another grade, a little harder.
It's Me,Margaret", "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" and "Blubber."
VOA: special.2009.10.12
I, of all the things I did as Chief of Staff, I give myself the best grade on personnel.
I was kicked out of school when I was in third grade for refusing to salute the flag.