OK. If last minus first is greater than or equal to 2-- sorry, less than 2, then either look at this thing or look at that thing.
So if n is greater than or equal to 1 and n is less than or equal to 3, let's just judge this thing a small number arbitrarily.
All right, we're-- well actually, I should say that better, we first check to see, is x 0 greater than or equal to zero, if it's not, then we come down here and we print something out, otherwise we run through a little loop to get the answer, and then we check it and we spit something out.
We saw that in general dS is greater than T or equal to dq over T.
In C and most programming languages, if you need greater than or equal to, use greater than and then right next to it with no space put equal to, and that conjures up the same idea.
And keep going, until the square of one of those integers is greater than or equal to - sorry, just greater than x. OK, why am I doing that? When I get greater than x, I've gone past the place where I want to be.
But notice what this does. The first thing it does is, it says, let's check and make sure x is greater than or equal to 0. If it isn't, notice what's going to happen. None of that block is going to get executed, and it's going to come down here and print out a useful piece of information, which says, hey, you gave me a negative number. I don't know how to do this.
If they type in bogus characters, it's going to yell at them and make them retry, and eventually I'm going to get handed back an int, which I'm storing in n. Well, if I actually want to judge this number based on its magnitude, well, I can say now, "If n is greater than or equal to one."
-- Else if n is greater than 4 and n is less than 6 -- 7 let's call it medium -- else if n is greater than or equal to 7, -- less than or equal to 10 -- let's call it "big" -- and if the user typed in zero or negative 10 or 20 or whatever, let's just use the all-inclusive else block and just say, "You picked an invalid number."