And that's how it actually gets to be so quiet when you have on, supposedly, these quite expensive headphones.
The headphones are amplifying their heartbeat and the slides are moving one after another for a few seconds each slide and they're listening to their heartbeat.
see people with them, and what happens here is it's supposed to be those noise cancellation headphones. All they do is they take in the ambient noise that's around it, and there's actually battery in the headphones, that then produces waves that are going to destructively interfere with that ambient noise.
They have not evolved to tolerate some of the man made sounds that have very unusual and unnatural physical characteristics. These sounds are for example explosives, industrial noise, musical instruments, power tools, and headphones.
And they are wearing headphones that amplify their heartbeat and they are asked among other things how attracted are they to the centerfold photograph that they're looking at.
They've got the headphones on.
So, another example of destructive interference is just with the Bose headphones.