• He had remembered Helen, and when they were lunch people, and cocktail people, and dinner people, and clothing time people.

    VOA: special.2010.08.28

  • Helen chose you without reason because she loves you without cause; embrace her without question and watch your weather change. Let go.


    耶鲁公开课 - 1945年后的美国小说课程节选

  • when I'm holding Helen, it just feels like home, sweet home.


    恋爱八个年头 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • But Helen wanted to keep trying. She said, "I think it will make my mind stronger to do it now."

    VOA: special.2009.11.08

  • The victory was mine, I still believe, but when I made to take trophy, winded Helen shook her head, declaring, "I have the curse."


    耶鲁公开课 - 1945年后的美国小说课程节选

  • Miss Sullivan explained everything in the language she and Helen used a language of touch of fingers and hands.

    VOA: special.2009.11.15

  • And he does the same thing, in fact, to those around him, famously to his lover, Maude Gonne, who becomes Helen of Troy in "No Second Troy"and in other poems.


    耶鲁公开课 - 现代诗歌课程节选

  • We reported last week that Helen Keller suffered from a strange sickness when she was only nineteen months old.

    VOA: special.2009.11.15

  • I love Helen because... when we hold each other at night,


    恋爱八个年头 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • She faces strong competition from Helen Mirren, who plays the wife of the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy in "The Last Station."

    VOA: special.2010.03.01

  • To her Menelaus signified something recognizable, as Helen to him. Whatever was it?


    耶鲁公开课 - 1945年后的美国小说课程节选

  • All of Helen Keller's knowledge reached her mind through her sense of touch and smell, and of course her feelings.

    VOA: special.2009.11.15

  • I dreamed myself was pretty Paris, plucked by Aphrodite from the field and dropped into Helen's naked lap.


    耶鲁公开课 - 1945年后的美国小说课程节选

  • This week we tell about Helen Keller. She was blind and deaf but she became a famous writer and teacher.

    VOA: special.2009.11.08

  • It's also about Helen and her action and her answer. On 156 he reflects.


    耶鲁公开课 - 1945年后的美国小说课程节选

  • From that time until she was almost seven years old, Helen could communicate only by making signs with her hands.

    VOA: special.2009.11.08

  • Helen Murray Free invented self-testing equipment that lets diabetics measure their own blood levels of glucose at home.

    VOA: special.2010.11.09

  • In Helen's first experience with the ocean, she was caught by a wave and pulled under the water.

    VOA: special.2009.11.08

  • Helen looked straight up at the sky as if a lost memory or thought of some kind was coming back to her.

    VOA: special.2009.11.08

  • Helen was on the floor, kicking and screaming and trying to pull the chair out from under me.

    VOA: special.2009.11.08

  • They also received driving lessons and guidance from two British women in motorsports, Helen Elstrop and Sue Sanders.

    VOA: special.2010.07.30

  • Helen also learned how to ride a horse, to swim,to row a boat and, even to climb trees.

    VOA: special.2009.11.15

  • Miss Sullivan taught Helen many things -- to read and write, and even to use a typewriter.

    VOA: special.2009.11.08

  • Helen Martins created a whole other kind of magical environment in the town of Nieu-Bethesda, South Africa.

    VOA: special.2010.04.14

  • Helen Murray Free is known for helping to launch organizations that help increase public interest in science.

    VOA: special.2010.11.09

  • I put Helen's hand under the cool water and formed the word w-a-t-e-r in her other hand.

    VOA: special.2009.11.08

  • Like Helen Martins, outsider artists add new life, imagination and skill to the world of creative expression.

    VOA: special.2010.04.14

  • The first day Helen was away from her family she kicked and screamed most of the time.

    VOA: special.2009.11.08

  • The work Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan did has been written and talked about for many years.

    VOA: special.2009.11.15

  • Helen Martins hired two workers to help her create her Owl House and the surrounding Camel Yard.

    VOA: special.2010.04.14

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