This is Hobbes' answer to Machiavelli's famous call in chapter 25 to master fortuna, to master chance or luck, fortune.
This provides the moral basis of what I would call Hobbes' humanitarianism and yet that humanitarianism seems to raise further problems.
Hobbes regarded these passions in many ways as barbaric, as uncivilized and warlike and to some degree he was right.
Hobbes insists on the fundamental equality of human beings, who he says are endowed with certain natural and inalienable rights.
The sovereign is not, for Hobbes, the people or some faction of the people ruling directly in their collective capacity.
Perhaps we should airlift copies of Leviathan to them, because that is the issue that Hobbes is fundamentally concerned with.
But there is more to fear than this, simply fear of death, although Hobbes emphasizes and dramatically perhaps overemphasizes this.
For the most part, they are rather impersonal and anonymous and that is in many ways the characteristic of Hobbes' sovereign.
Nonetheless, the liberty that subjects enjoy in Hobbes' plan falls in that area that he says the sovereign omits to regulate.
Hobbes was born in 1588, the year that the English naval forces drove back the invasion of the famous Spanish Armada.
Let me talk about what Hobbes has to say for us today, we who have in many ways become Hobbes' children.
In particular, Hobbes faults the universities for teaching what, for teaching the radical doctrines of Aristotleanism in the seventeenth century.
And Hobbes draws from this startling conclusion, in many ways the infamous conclusion that the sovereign can never act unjustly.
And just as important as the radical churches and the reformed sects is for Hobbes the university and its curriculum.
In the case of Leviathan, I would suggest to you, Hobbes' central question is, ? what makes authority possible?
Well, this brings me to some criticisms or at least some questions about Hobbes' conception of the laws of nature.
Let me talk for a while about some of the formal features of Hobbes' sovereign power, of the Hobbesian state.
Hobbes provided us with the definitive language in which even today we continue to speak about the modern state.
We continue to ask the same questions that were asked by Plato Machiavelli Hobbes and others.
But most importantly, I think, is to go back to the importance given to the individual in Hobbes' philosophy.
When Hobbes uses the term "art" there, " "For by art is created," that term is deeply revealing of his purpose.
Science, or what Hobbes simply calls " by the name "reason," is simply the fullest expression of human artfulness.
But, Hobbes believes it is simpler and easier and therefore more likely to catch the ear of a sympathetic prince.
Hobbes is typically concerned with the foundations of this new science, getting the building blocks right from the beginning.
Hobbes was the tutor to a royal household who followed the King into exile during the English Civil War.
A man, who we will read later this semester, named Thomas Hobbes, was one who led the pack, led the charge.
Hobbes in the Hobbesian doctrine of sovereignty, or the Hobbesian sovereign, to have a complete monopoly of power within his given territory.
In that chapter, chapter 46, Hobbes writes: "There is nothing so absurd that the old philosophers have not some of them maintained.
What is Hobbes' individual? Hobbes conceived us through a process of abstraction from the web of attachments in which we find ourselves.
What can Aristotle or Hobbes tells us about the world of globalization of terrorism of ethnic conflict and the like?