And realize too, as we say on this home page here, by default, we anonomize you when you log into this bulletin board, whereby, you're all logged in as quote unquote students.
We'll post this information on the course's home page.
You take it home and you write basically an 8-page, we don't want you to run outside and do research.
Let's look at what is, for me, the most gripping example of this kind of poem: "Home Burial," on page 204.
So when you go home today or some time this weekend, make sure you read this page in detail.
But I would suggest to you that home is absolutely crucial to the production of this desire. And I want to point you to page 26.
So, the parody is of something very close to home. And this poem that I've given you will come back on page 134. You don't have to turn to that now, but you should think about that return.