They're too important simply to have been read once: Alas! What boots it with uncessant care To tend the homely slighted Shepherd's trade, And strictly meditate the thankless Muse?
This activity in a wonderful homely way is a version of romance quest.
What good is it -- you'll remember -- what good is it, Milton asks, ; "to tend the homely slighted shepherd's trade"; that's, of course, the vocation of poetry if that shepherd-poet is just going to be struck down in his prime as Edward King had been?
When a community seeks federal funds for separate programs like After-school Programs, Sports Programs, homely shelters, those federal funds should be used in accordance with Constitutional principles and federal law.
You remember he's written his father in "Ad Patrem" that the trade, the vocation of poetry -- it may be homely and slighted in his father's eyes, but it was of course worth all of Milton's time, all of Milton's uncessant care and investment.