You also need to put yourself into other people's shoes and think about how sophisticated are they at playing games.
So tell me a little bit about yourself, where you came from? How you arrived to be the first Muslim chaplain at Princeton University?
Now some of you may be wondering, and you'll find out this for yourself about how important it is to come to class.
And you could ask yourself the-- about the extent of that segregation and how that reflects--what role that should play with regard to the Contact Hypothesis.
We could talk about adding up all the positive experiences along with all the-- ask yourself how many goods, how many accomplishments of the right sort were in that life?
But it's a very interesting topic, so today we're going to talk about how do you measure what people eat, and you're having some experience that yourself with the daily plate dietary assessment.
What about that case? Well, I think if we were doing a matter of physics, as it posed to--sort of psychology Psychologically we understand why, losing weight might make a real difference about how you feel about yourself.
Just wondering could you say a little bit more about that and how this idea of humility before something outside of yourself lends to both the artistic endeavor and the spiritual endeavor, in your own life and in perhaps the lives of some of our viewers.