Danny, what are youcomplaining about? Danny, how you doing, huh?
VOA: standard.other
And then when everyone says, " "Oh fine. Oh great. Oh terrific", then we are asked "How are you doing?"
And I was trying to make a final call on the summer job and Bill called and said "Hey look Steve. Geez, how are you doing? Gosh, things get complicated here we need a business person. What about you?"
But more important, it is what you are doing differently, how this has an impact on your life and that takes effort.
I want to give you some feedback to tell you how you are doing soon.
Third, I'd like to answer these questions from sound points of view and tell you a little bit about what we are doing and how we are doing it.
If you don't know how to measure anything, you are doing algebra and trigonometry.
If I asked people, "How well are you doing in Intro Psych this semester?"
Now, how are you doing in filling in the forms?
if you don't want to use that, you can also derive it as we did every time, it should intuitively make sense how we got there. But the exams are pretty short, so we don't want you doing that every time, so we'll save the 2 minutes and give you the equations directly, but it's still important to know how to use them.
" We are people who ask, "So how are you doing?"
How are you doing on filling out those games?
How are you doing?
My favorite moral dilemma is as I'm walking down the street and I see somebody I sort of know, do I avoid eye so we don't have a conversation or do I say, "Hey. How are you doing?"
In a normal, productive, healthy, happy environment, people don't scream at you about how bad you're doing but they compliment how good you are and that could lead to an inflated self-esteem on the part of people in certain domains.
When someone comes to us in the elevator in William James , ?" I says, "How are you doing?"