"How could it not be?" Cunningham said.
VOA: special.2010.05.21
Now it's in this context that Freud begins to think about how it could be that the organism engages itself with thoughts of this kind.
I mean, I see that the love is there, how could it not be?
Health officials did not know how deadly the virus would be, who would be most vulnerable, how quickly it would spread and whether it could be contained.
VOA: standard.2010.04.29
Well, there's an explanation of how it could be that things that are not themselves perfectly round could remind us, could make us think about perfect roundness.
"I think the bloom is off the rose but I don't think they quite knew who else it could be, or how to make it be someone else or facilitate a free and fair election.
VOA: standard.2009.08.03
So, it could be that you're deciding, as a lawyer, how many hours you're going to spend on the job.
and you could've referred to it there's a movie how it would be a Hollywood movie called Jezebel with Betty Davis, remember?
It would be much nicer and easier,smoother, it would be much easier, if we could just cultivate children self-esteem telling them how wonderful they are.
I was done putting together the site, I had no idea how successful it could be.
And it could be taken as a striking illustration of how the social part of your brain is distinct from other parts of your brain.
But one that I was very interested in was biology, and the reason was we did a lot of cool labs in high school, I loved doing the dissections -- it was very interesting to me to think about how different organs worked, how the heart could be a pump, how the lungs worked.
b OK. In this example I'd use b. All right, as b get-- b is the thing that's changing as I go along here, but it could be things like, how many elements are there in a list if the input is a list, could be how many digits are there in a string if the input's a string, it could be the size of the integer as we go along. All right.?
We have to think about how is it,how could it be true, that death is bad for the person that dies?
If a person's just a P-functioning body, how could it be that after the death ? of his body he's still around?
How could it be that death is bad for me ? when I don't exist?
Or, if you want, you could say maybe they died, but since they obviously didn't die permanently-- after all they were brought back to life-- how could they possibly tell us what it's like to be permanently dead?
We don't even have the picture in broad strokes as far as consciousness is concerned, of how it could be done in physical terms.
How could it even be possible to imagine my mind without my body, if talking about my mind is just a way of talking about my body?
Well, if it really was true then that if only we faced the facts about our mortality that we would live life rather differently, ? how could it be reasonable for us to disregard those facts?
This brings us to the final-- the issue of expectations and how we judge people is a story that could be told about individuals but it's also a story that could be told about groups.
How could it be true that death is bad for the person that dies?
Now, how could it be that a photograph reminds me of my friend?
When Plato asked himself how could that be, the answer he gave is, well, it's got to be we were previous acquainted with the forms before our life in this world, and that shows that the soul must be something that existed prior to the creation of the body.