Yet the great English writer's understanding of human nature is timeless.
VOA: special.2011.06.06
It has every relevance to psychology: Do we perceive reality, human nature as constrained or unconstrained will ultimately affect our psychology.
Or is human nature flawed maybe something we don't like ? but we need to accept it and work with it?
Buchanan believes, It's human nature to want more meat and dairy, and that will be very difficult to change.
VOA: standard.2010.06.04
He begins the work, you remember, with an account of human nature, account of human psychology, as a product of sense and experience.
but at the end of the day it is what Martin Scorcese does best and that is portraying something about humanity and human nature and who we are as people."
VOA: standard.2010.02.27
What that means ultimately is that evil lacks inevitability, Depending on your theory of human nature, I suppose, And it also means that Evil lies within the realm of human responsibility and control.
She says her hope comes from her belief in four things: the human brain,the human spirit, nature's strength and the energy of young people.
VOA: special.2009.11.18
And this is interesting because this suggests that to some extent the ability to use and understand and learn language is part of human nature.
Allegations left uninvestigated with regard to crimes of this nature, violations of human rights, will only serve to feed resentment, bitterness,anger,frustration."
VOA: standard.2009.10.23
They understand something about human nature and how human nature interacts with our institutions.
Aristotle went on to say that the justice needed to control this dark side of human nature can be found only in a well ordered society of free people who govern themselves, and the only one that he knew was the Polis of the Greeks.
He is not his equal by nature and cannot be made so by human laws or human institutions.
On the one hand, the optimists might say, "Even when we throw in the extra interaction effects, even the negative interaction effects, the overall nature of the human condition is positive.
It actually, it's been shown, seems to foreshadow the political philosophy of Milton's much younger contemporary, John Locke -- the notion that nature demands that every human individual has just enough, is given just enough to be self-sufficient.
We know that the way we enter into society is by consent, by agreement to leave the state of nature and to be governed by the majority and by a system of laws, human laws.
We even have entire disciplines like economics and psychology and I dare even say modern political science that reinforced this view of human nature.
By building certain political institutions that would channel the flawed, imperfect human nature toward the good.
The study of human language has been the battleground over different theories of human nature.
And the most important has to do with the nature of the act that leads to the transformation of the human characters.
In other words, my belief-- and I am going to back that up with research today and for the next semester-- is human nature is fixed.
He is the intellectual who enjoys bringing, you might say, the harsh and unremitting facts about human nature to light, who enjoys dispelling illusions and pretty beliefs.
So, in general, there is some support, at least at a very broad level, for the claim that language is in some sense part of human nature.
Is human nature flawed and therefore needs to be perfected?
They take this makeshift communication system developed by adults and, again, they turn it into a full-blown language, suggesting that to some extent it's part of our human nature to create languages.
If I gave this lecture ten years ago, I would say that the fundamental attribution error i s a human universal, something that we're born with, a fundamental aspect of human nature.
And we pay a very high price for this inability, for this refusal to accept the fact that it is part of human nature that is constrained, that is there no matter what.
It's part of human nature.
that man is political by nature is not just to say that we become fully human by participating with others in a city.
People who hold constrained vision of human nature, believe that human nature cannot be changed; it's immutable-- we have certain instincts, we have certain inclinations.